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We've been on Killduff Road for three years now.  The beauty of this place still catches me by surprise and I feel the need to pinch myself...I really live here.  Nothing was on the schedule today, a gift for sure.  All six of us were home together for the entire day.  The weather was lovely and spring is pushing towards summer.  I'm going to bed thankful.  Thankful for my husband and my children, for this home and our land.  I'm thankful for the robins, cardinals, red-headed woodpeckers, and blue birds that have decided to build their home on Killduff Road as well.  I'm thankful for the wildflowers that fill our property and more trees than I can count...for the hammock, swingset, and my porch swing...these perfect spots to sit and read outside.  I'm thankful that the kids only have seven days left of school and for the days I will spend with them this summer.  


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