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An energizing start to a day off with my family at home...up at 5:15 to run, a bowl of granola, a cup of coffee, a chapter of Jayber Crow, and a shower all before any of my kids were up for the day!  I've been getting up at 5:15 for a week now and it's made a huge difference in my energy level for the day.  I'm enjoying running early on the trail and spending a hour or so with the wildlife of Knox County before spending the day with my kids.  It's been good, it just requires a lot of discipline to get to bed on time.

We are spending the holiday weekend at home because we both had work responsibilities over the weekend, but those are all completed now and we can just rest on this day off.  We took the kids to get ice cream at the Kenyon Bookstore last night and came home with an armful of great new books as well.  The books are keeping us busy this morning.

Evan has created a very elaborate imaginary world and has somehow convinced both of this brothers to participate with him.  They have created costumes from old clothes and are making props out of cardboard. There are a lot of rules and details involved in Evan's "super hero school" and everything goes well as long as Riley and Trey are willing to play by his rules.  Evan has already spent a few minutes in timeout for his bossy attitude...

Three days left of school!


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