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This morning on my way to Evan's kindergarten well child visit I remembered that I was planning on leaving early to stop for gas.  I was running a little later than I planned, so I decided to wait until after the appointment to stop and fill up.  Unfortunately, we never made it to the appointment.  We ran out of gas just before reaching the doctor's office.  Luckily, a police officer was nearby and came to help me out.  Evan and Cora were able to take a nice ride in the police car!  In the past something like this would have made me absolutely crazy.  I would have been so mad at myself that it would have ruined my day.  One of the gifts of having four children is that you learn to just go with it...whatever the day happens to give you, even when unwanted and unexpected.  We rescheduled the doctor's appointment, rode in the police car to the gas station and then headed to the playground for a picnic.  Doctor appointment morning became field trip morning and Evan and I had a good laugh about how silly it was for mommy to forget to fill up the car with gas!

I have been praying lately that God would help me respond to my day, my husband, and my children with the fruits of the Spirit.  When I look back over the last week I see where He has done just that for me, especially during moments when it would  have been impossible on my own.  On my own I lack patience and self control.  I have a temper and that temper can disrupt the peace in our home.  On my own I am irritable when I am tired and I use harsh words with the ones I love.  This is who I am without His strength.  It isn't pretty.  I know the change I have noticed lately isn't because of my own strength, it is only because of the grace He gives me for each day.  Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, self control, and gentleness...these are the things I want my family to see in me.  Lord, help me each day because without you I am lacking so much of what they need.  


Were you jealous that I got to ride in a police car???

7:51 PM  

You are an amazing woman! I love you

Father in Law

9:59 AM  

I am so proud of you. You inspire me.

6:27 AM  

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