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This early spring has been wonderful.  All four kids spend as much time as possible outside and it brings me so much joy to simply watch them run and play.  Riley spends his free time with a basketball in his hands.  Trey spends time with Riley playing ball, but also runs around with Evan and Cora.  Evan and Cora are two little peas in a pod.  Evan helps me so much with his little sister and as soon as their little feet hit the front porch they are running toward the creek or their bikes.  And now, they also spend a lot of time running with our new dog, Scarlett.  Scarlett is a 9 month old Golden Retriever who we have learned to love very quickly.  The first week was rough and I questioned our decision to get a dog several times each day.  Now we have all adjusted and the dog is just another part of our family.  Sunday morning I stood by the window watching Riley and Trey run the dog along the trail that leads to our woods and I couldn't stop smiling. The tree house is back in use as well and they are so excited to take their new walkie talkies Nana brought them out to the woods tomorrow and test them out in the tree house.

We choose to say "no" to a lot of things in order to live on this land.  We have no landscaping, no base board, and very old furniture.  We don't eat out and going to the movies isn't even an option.  The money we would use on those things pays the mortgage.  But, I don't regret it one bit.  I watch my boys run the trail with the dog... I watch Evan head down the hill to the tree house on his bike...I watch Cora climb out of the creek covered in mud...and all I can think is, "This is good, so very good."  It is so worth the sacrifice.

Just about 8 weeks of school left, so ready to have them all home for the summer.


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