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I did take that nap I needed.  It took me a minute or two to get past the nagging guilty feeling from sleeping in the middle of the day, but in the end it helped immensely. Tazo Awake tea does live up to its name...a cup after my nap did the trick.  A phone call to a friend who patiently allows me to vent helped renew my spirit as well.  And then the school bus pulled up to my driveway.  Two beautiful boys who are growing up way too quickly came running off the bus and into the house.  Their first question..."How are you, mom? I hope you rested today."  

These little people are growing so times it frightens me.   Each day with them, despite the circumstances, is a gift.  I'm thankful for this day.  I'm thankful for my bed and the rest that is coming.  But more than all of that, I'm so thankful that I have another day with them tomorrow. 


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