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Back from a beautiful week with Eric and the kids at the lake in NY.

--Dinner at Redline drive-in and Scotty McCreery in concert at the Institute on our first night of vacation.
--Riley and Trey up and staying up on skis.
--Evan tubing without fear.
--Cora loves the water.  Fearless on the tube.
--Full days on the boat with picnic lunches...swimming, skiing, tubing, laughing, sleeping...just being together in the sun.
--Rest and reading...finished the 5th Harry Potter book and Hannah Coulter, started Nathan Coulter.  I'm officially obsessed with Port William.  I'm convinced it gives me a look at Corydon, IN and my great grandparents farm that I was never able to experience, but that I visit frequently in my dreams.
--Dinner, ice cream, coffee, and Vocal Trash show at the Institute.  My cheeks hurt from smiling so much when the night was over.
--Running with the boys.

And now we are done traveling, the beach and the lake gifted us with memories we will cherish.  Home.  Our place.  Our garden.  Our quiet.  I love it here.  The boys have decided we are now on stay-cation.  I want to rest here and read here.  I want to smile and laugh and know that the mess will get cleaned up when the fun is over for the day.  I don't worry about the mess on vacation, but we get to it eventually.  The mindset of vacation at home.  Yes, now it's back to work and responsibilities, but I'm still with my sweet family and don't want to miss the memories we can build here because I allow myself to get caught up in the day-to-day of it all.  The first challenge was getting groceries in the house...four kids at Walmart.  Stay-cation was a challenge.  But now the boys our out bike riding with Eric and dinner will be late on this summer night.  So, here's to the rest of the summer and our stay-cation in Gambier.


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