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Thank you Michelle Obama.

She has taken on one of the most important issues this country faces, childhood obesity.  We have been moving down a dangerous path at a very quick pace in the United States.  Finally someone with a little authority has put the brakes on and is making us look more closely at what we are doing to our children.  Sadly, I had to seek out this article today.  It didn't make my regular news feed.  My regular news feed was full of articles about our political parties.  We are far more concerned about arguing and power as the election approaches than with what really matters.  Maybe if the first wives from recent years were given the control we might actually get somewhere.  If I'm remembering correctly, Mrs. Laura Bush's issue was illiteracy.  According to Joe Noonen's sermon on Sunday, 70% of our inmates are illiterate.

Anyway...thank you again, Mrs. Obama.  This sick mama would love to be able to give her kids the option of buying lunch on days when I don't feel well without worrying that what they eat at school may just make them sick as well.  


Lucy had to take iron at one time and it was HORRIBLE!!! Nothing could hide it. Pham said to try chocolate syrup. You probably don't have that around either but it worked the best and she needed less than a tablespoon.

4:07 PM  

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