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Eight years ago I was lying in bed at Grant Hospital praying that my baby boy would arrive quickly. My water broke on the night of the 15th, over two weeks early. A c-section had been the plan, but when my water broke we decided to try a normal delivery one more time. By midnight I knew we were in trouble again. I wasn't dialating, again. My delivery with Riley was horrific and thought of repeating that scenario was terrifying. The nurses were determined that I would eventually dialate, meanwhile I was starting to have a full panic attack. My sweet doctor entered the room at 9:00am and told the nurses, who were not very happy with him, that we were moving forward with a c-section.

 And so, 30 minutes later, Trey Ryan Stetler entered our family. He was our chubbiest and sleepiest baby. For the first 9 months or so he honestly had a pretty bland personality. All he wanted to do was sleep and he didn't interact with us the way Riley had.

 If you know Trey now, you know that has changed! He still loves to sleep, but he is FULL of personality. Trey is extremely funny and bright. His brain never shuts down, he is constantly thinking. He still loves to snuggle, even though he is eight. I have high hopes that he'll still love to hug his mom when he's a teenager. We can't imagine life without Trey...he brings an huge amount of joy to our home! Happy Birthday, Trey!


Trey Stetler, you're not allowed to be 8. Happy Birthday cute boy!

3:07 PM  

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