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Riley played in a three team scrimmage last night. In the first half of the first game he looked a little lost and intimidated. This is league is so different from anything he has ever done before and I think that makes him feel overwhelmed. With one minute left in the first game his team was down by three points. Riley drove the ball to the hoop, was fouled, and made the shot anyway. This put him at the foul line with the opportunity to the tie the game for his team. He stood there, alone at the line, and I really thought I might puke. I know, it is fourth grade ball and it was only a scrimmage. But this is big time Riley. He made the free throw and tied the game. It took every ounce of restraint I could gather up to not stand up and scream, "That's my kid!". The other team scored and we lost, but in my mind Riley Stetler won. He received a ton of positive encouragement from his coaches and scored on a nice jump shot in the next game as well. Riley Stetler is a pretty great kid.


I loved your Blog. It made me laugh out loud. You are a great Mom!!!!!

Can you see why I have so many problems with mothers before during and after school performance events


5:35 PM  

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