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Ran with my two oldest today in the MVNU 5K. I was so, so proud to be running with them. The official results are in...Riley finished in 35:47, Trey and I crossed together in 36:00. That Trey finished with 12 minute miles makes me very proud. That was with a few that needed retied, an extra sweatshirt that I had to carry after Trey threw it off, and an itchy leg. I think Riley could have finished well ahead of us. After about a mile he was really frustrated that Trey and I weren't running faster. I tried to encourage him to go ahead without us, but he didn't feel confident enough to do that in his first race. I'm hoping that he can start pushing himself, but I just can't leave Trey behind to run faster with Riley. Trey really picked up the pace for the last mile. In fact, I don't think I've ever seen him maintain that fast of a pace for that long. I think he really made up some time in the last mile.

When we finished they were beaming. They were very happy with their accomplishment. Over three months of training have led to this day. Now I'm really excited for the Thanksgiving race. It's longer (4 miles), bigger (3,000 people instead of 300) and their is a medal at the end to reward the boys for their hard work. Today they were rewarded with a doughnut at the finish line, which was the perfect reward for my two sweet boys.


Congratulations #1 and keeper. Mi Mi and pop pop are proud of you. Keep up the good work

6:26 AM  

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