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Trey Stetler has pushed me to the point of exhaustion. That kid is amazing...he decides he's going to do something and you better not get in his way. He wakes me up early to run, drags me out to the gym well past dark, and makes Riley and I keep running to meet our goal when we are SO ready to quit. Seriously, my 7 year old is my personal trainer right now.

Three miles on a 200 meter indoor track is not fun. That's 24 laps in hot, sticky air. We had 24 small pieces of paper and we dropped them one at a time as we finished each lap last night...all 24 pieces. I had a stomach cramp because we left right after eating butternut squash stuffed with sausage and I was really tired. After 16 of those cards my knee started acting up and I announced we were cutting it short. Riley was quick to agree because he wanted to go shoot hoops in the gym! Trey basically shamed us into finishing and told us we were weak. Eight laps later we gathered up our pile of cards and left feeling very proud of ourselves and very thankful that Trey made us finish.

Little man is running in velcro Nikes. He's earned himself a trip to Front Runner on Saturday for some new running shoes. should be proud of your running partner. You and Trey are going to finish strong at the Flying Feather Four Miler! Riley and I will try and keep up!


This is AWESOME!!!!

7:09 AM  

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