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Weird day yesterday...full of emotions and disappointment. Our house in Columbus is no longer in contract. Our possible renter is renting another home. Email after email yesterday with frustrating news. Eric and I were fussy, and then he worked a 12 hour day. Home alone with the kids last night. I medicated with media...unhealthy for sure. The best media medication was watching Twas' the Night Before Christmas with the kids, my very favorite Christmas cartoon of all time. Watching Penatonix sing Let's Get It On on Youtube three times in a row was pretty good as well. Yes, I am obsessed with this group right now. The kids and I watched a ton of their stuff last night and Cora and Evan have both mastered beatboxing now. Possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen. Then the Michael Buble Christmas special. Justin Bieber should never sing Mistletoe again now that Pentatonix has covered it. Why do girls cry when they see Beiber, I'm missing something. Anyway, at this point I should have gone to bed. Instead I sat in front of my computer screen reading worthless news on the internet because I didn't want to go to bed until Eric came home. I'm tired.

So we wait. We wait on our to sell or rent. We thank God for sustaining us this long and pray that He will continue to provide. Advent. Waiting. I think my goal for today will be to medicate with something better, something stronger. Maybe I will pull out the Christmas story collection we received from the Bruderhoff Community. It is full of rich, deep truth on the meaning of Advent. Maybe I will pull out my Bible, there's a thought. As for now, I'm leaving this computer for awhile.


My friend Ruth said something wise in small group. The best thing we can do when we are waiting is to praise. Praise for everything we can think of. Then I would add that praising somehow helps us to remember that He will always show up.

8:32 AM  

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